广州奥凯环保科技有限公司是一家集反渗透纯水设备,离子交换纯水设备,EDI**纯水设备,软化水设备,苦咸水淡化、海水淡化设备,超滤、纳滤,井水处理、自来水处理,废水处理设备、废气除尘以及噪音治理等环保设备的研发、设计、安装、调试、运营管理、售后服务于一体的**企业。拥有精干的科技人员,**的设备制作人员,优良的工程安装队伍,技术力量雄厚,具有良好的企业素质,**的工程(产品)质量,完善的售后服务。在工程实践中已形成一支团结**、有很强凝聚力的**团队,积累了丰富的设计、生产、施工经验。 反渗透设备特点 1 large permeable capacity, high desalination rate. Under normal circumstances is greater than or equal to 98% 2 on organic matter, colloid, particles, bacteria, virus, heat source has high interception and removal effect. 3 small energy consumption, high water utilization rate, operation costs less than other desalination equipment. 4 separation process without phase change, with reliable stability. The 5 device has the advantages of small volume, simple operation, easy maintenance, strong adaptability, long service life